The next mission of Honor Flight Syracuse to bring veterans of World War II and the Korean War to visit the memorials in their honor in Washington, D.C., is scheduled for Oct. 3 — and officials with the Flags of Our Heroes program are currently seeking photographs of deceased Central New York veterans of these two wars to bring with them to Washington and be honored through the Flags of Our Heroes program.
Through Flags of Our Heroes, photographs of deceased WWII and Korean War veterans are brought to the WWII Memorial and the Korean War Memorial in Washington, D.C., set up on an easel with a folded American flag, and photographed by Cazenovia photographer and American Legion Post 88 Vice Commander Gene Gissin. Those photographs, along with a certificate of honor, are presented to the families of the deceased veterans in a special ceremony at a later date.
Flags of Our Heroes honored 56 Central New York WWII veterans and their families this past June, with photos taken during Honor Flight’s April 25 mission.
Anyone in the CNY area interested in participating in the Flags of Our Heroes program may submit a photo of their relative (preferably in uniform, but not necessary), along with the relative’s name and the family member’s contact information to Gene Gissin at or call 655-2224. All photographs will be returned.
For more information on Honor Flight Syracuse and Flags of Our Heroes, visit
Jason Emerson is editor of the Cazenovia Republican. He can be reached at