To the editor:
My concerns continue to mount regarding knowledge of and participation in our local government, whose actions directly affect us.
I appreciate PAC-B’s response to my previous letter-to-the-editor, in which I pointed out the lack of local media reporting on our municipal meetings. PAC-B is a good organization, staffed by a dedicated, largely volunteer group. They provide a valuable service to the community and their reliable presence at all of the meetings that I have attended or been a part of is acknowledged and appreciated. The ability to view meetings “at your convenience” is extremely useful.
That being said, I reiterate my contention that they should not be the only source of information regarding government meetings. Not everyone who is interested has the ability or hours required to view the meetings as recorded by PAC-B. Unfortunately, those seeking information about the meetings are forced to rely on PAC-B’s singular coverage.
Not only has the Messenger “disappeared” as far as reporting on the government meetings and actions of the town and village boards is concerned, but information from at least one of the three municipalities, regarding their own meetings, has fallen off the radar.
Agendas for the bi-monthly Monday meetings of the Lysander Town Board are not being posted on the town’s website until the Friday afternoon preceding the meeting. The minutes of the meetings, which include all official actions taken by the board, are being posted two weeks later, after the next scheduled meeting has already been held. Both of these situations make it difficult for interested residents to follow issues being addressed and actions taken by the board and to schedule their time to attend meetings.
Given their history and current role, it was alarming when PAC-B failed to show up to record the town board meeting on Monday, June 27. It was also unfortunate because there was a public hearing that night, the outcome of which could possibly have an affect on all future development in the town of Lysander. Ironically, I shared my concerns about this very lack of information and transparency with the board at that meeting. Of course, understandably, mix-ups and “life” happens, but, in this instance, PAC-B missing the meeting resulted in a significant void.
Why does any of this matter? I hope people understand that their role in the functioning and future of our democracy does not stop at the polling place. Think nationally; act locally. Ask questions.
Melinda Shimer