To the editor:
I am excited and proud to announce that the town of Cicero’s new website is up and online.
The address,, has not changed.
Some of the improvements include:
- More extensive information, such as full steps needed to prepare for a home assessment review.
- Forms that can now be filled out and submitted online.
- The ability to subscribe to news posts — we can now proactively notify subscribers of town announcements.
- Extended support for mobile phones and tablets — one can view the site from any device.
- Faster access and less clutter.
- Quick access buttons on home page for ready access to popular topics.
- Regularly updated many times a month with information and events from our fire departments, our police department and our Cicero American Legion, in addition to town government issues.
We hope that you will find that this new website better reflects a forward thinking town and a more forward thinking town government that is focused in part on service to the community and efficiency of operation.
Mark Venesky
Supervisor, Town of Cicero