The Fenner Town Board had a short meeting last week, in which they discussed necessary changes to the town to conform to the Americans with Disabilities Act and a recent increase in illegal dumping.
In 2012, state officials carried out surveys on polling places across New York to verify their compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. In Fenner, the town hall building, which serves as the polling place, had two “access barriers” identified as non-compliant — these included the lack of a designated handicap-accessible parking space and lack of a designated van space.
During its Aug. 14 regular monthly meeting, the Fenner Town Board agreed that two signs, one for handicap accessibility and one for van accessibility, need to be installed at the designated parking spaces 36-inches above the ground. These signs will be put in prior to the upcoming November election.
Also at the meeting, Town Supervisor Dave Jones said there has been an increase of illegal dumping in Madison County, particularly Georgetown. Illegal dumping is a ticketed offense and those caught may be fined up to $2,000 as it is a serious problem. Toxic chemicals and contamination from illegal dumping may harm wildlife, streams and ponds.
If anyone sees any illegal dumping, Jones recommended they contact the county recycling hotline at 1-800-731-2208.
Ashley Wolf is an intern with the Cazenovia Republican. She can be reached at