Q: What problem does your business solve?
A: The need for sugar!
Q: Why does your product or service stand out?
A: Our shop brings back memories of childhood.
Q: Why did you choose to locate your business in B’ville?
A: My husband and I are B’ville residents, and he grew up here.
Q: What is your favorite part about the B’ville community?
A: How supportive the community is.
Q: What is the most recent lesson you’ve learned about business?
A: That people’s tastes in candy are as vast as the choices.
Q: What do you see for your business in the next five years?
A: Continuing to build memories and relationships, giving the kids in the community the memories we all have from our childhood of “the corner store.”
Q: What has been your most satisfying moment in operating your business?
A: Parents and grandparents being able to share memories of their childhood (the candy they remember from their youth), and the relationships I have been able to build.
Q: If you were to tell one person “thank you” for helping your business become what it is today, who would it be and what did they do?
A: Here comes the Academy Award speech! I’d like to thank my parents for always encouraging me to follow my dreams (seriously) and teaching me that it is okay to take chances to get there. I also thank my hubby for his support and mad skills in building a beautiful store!
Q: What super power would you like to have?
A: Making good chocolate calorie-free!