American Legion Auxiliary Unit 239 celebrated it’s 100 year anniversary with a pot luck dinner on Dec. 10 at the Robert J. Hydon Post.
This auxiliary organized on Feb. 12, 1924 at a meeting held in the legion rooms on the third floor of the Slattery Block.
Some of the officers elected at the meeting were Zella Baker- president, Gertrude Loss- 1st vice president, Molly Howland- 2nd vice president, Belle Dove- 3rd vice president, Gertrude Hunt- secretary, Jennie Evans- treasurer, Bessie Palmer- chaplain and Ada Perkins- sergeant at arms.
The charter was granted in December of 1924, with 52 charter members.
Today the unit has over 100 members.
The auxiliary supports veterans and community programs.
Some of the veterans programs include Clear Path for Veterans, Honor Flight Syracuse, CNY Veteran Recognition, and others.
Some of the community programs include the Gregory Harris room at the airport, Laker Limo, Skaneateles Ecumenical Food Pantry, and others.
The Poppy program around Memorial Day distributes poppies to the community. It’s a reminder of the sacrifices our soldiers made to protect our freedom.
One hundred percent of the donations raised from poppies support veterans.
ALA Unit 239 looks forward to another 100 years in support of the military and community.