The village of Skaneateles board of trustees voted to approve a building renovation at its Nov. 14 meeting.
Following a public hearing, the board moved to approve a critical impact for 25 Jordan St. The first floor of the building will be renovated to be used as an expansion of Skaneateles Bakery which is next door.
The bakery is looking to put in more seating and potentially expand its menu, though the renovation will not include putting in any heavy-duty kitchen equipment, building owner Jason Slottje said.
In other business:
—Village Attorney Michael Byrne said that the village has come to an agreement with Rondald Patulski who owns the apartment building adjacent to the village hall.
Patulski several years ago had paved a parking lot and put up a chain-link fence that encroached on village property, about five feet past the actual property line. Instead of taking legal action to reclaim its property, which would essentially eliminate the parking lot where tenants of the building park, the two have worked out another arrangement, Byrne said.
Patulski will remove a dumpster that is on village property and grant the village a public right-of-way for the pavement that connects his lot to the village lot and the post office. With this right-of-way in place, motorists exiting the adjacent post office will be able to turn onto Fennell Street more safely via the village lot. Several accidents have happened in front of the post office in the past due to people backing out their vehicles onto Fennell Street, Police Chief Lloyd Perkins said.
—The board moved to appoint Stephen Hartnett to fill a vacancy on the village planning board. Since Hartnett is currently a member of the village zoning board of appeals, there are now two vacancies on that board, which will meet next in December.
Mayor Marty Hubbard also congratulated Mary Sennett on her election as town supervisor and noted that he would be making an appointment to fill her seat on the board before the end of the year.
Any community members interested in either a position on the zoning board of appeals or as a village trustee are encouraged to send a letter to the village office, Hubbard said.
—Hubbard said that the doors to the newly renovated village hall currently do not meet the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act, since they require too much force to open. However, the manufacturer has agreed to rectify the situation at no additional cost to the village, he said.
—Trustees said that the residents of the village will be receiving a letter from insurance provider HomeServe. The village has no affiliation with HomeServe and residents are under no obligation to engage their services.
—Following an executive session, the board moved to create a new full-time position to take the place of two part-time positions in the police department. Cindy Jacobs, who has worked for the department since 2005, currently works as both the department typist and communication services officer. Since the duties of those two part-time positions overlap and are done in the same office, it makes sense to combine them into one position, Perkins said. Jacobs’ salary will not change as a result of the change, he said.
Joe Genco is the editor of the Skaneateles Press. He can be reached at [email protected].