A Change.org petition calling for the North Syracuse superintendent’s firing has garnered more than 100 signatures. The petition, started by James Smith, asks the North Syracuse Central School District Board of Education to terminate the contract of Dr. Kim Dyce Faucette, who became the district’s superintendent in August of 2011. Her contract is set to expire next summer. “Dr. Dyce has proven to be an incompetent leader,” Smith wrote. “The NSCSD and community cannot afford a contract extension with her. Our district is being ruined. We need leadership that is vested in our children and our community.” The BOE has scheduled a special board meeting for noon Friday at which they will discuss two personnel matters. Board President Pat Carbone declined to comment if one of those matters pertains to the superintendent. Rumors have circulated that Dyce is leaving the district. Last month, the board indicated that it would be reviewing her contract. During Dyce’s tenure, the district has seen two budgets fail, a student suspended over tweeting about the last failed budget and the firing of popular softball coach Kerry Bennett. Dyce’s administration has also implemented full-day kindergarten, changed the district’s administrative structure and set up a strategic five-year plan for the district’s future. According to Carbone, Dyce is on vacation until Friday, July 12. Dyce could not be reached for comment.