Just weeks after receiving the donation of a portrait of WWII hero Gen. Jonathan Wainwright — whose wife had a Skaneateles connection — the Skaneateles Historical Society has received a second donation regarding the famed general.
In November, the Skaneateles Press ran a feature article, “1945: Skaneateles honors a military hero,” which was submitted by Laurie Winship, director of the Skaneateles Historical Society, in honor of Veterans Day. The article was also a prelude to the donation of a portrait of Gen. Jonathan Wainwright to the SHS from Bill Eberhardt, owner of the Sherwood Inn.
The article was a description of Wainwright’s wartime experiences, his wife’s connection to Skaneateles and the huge parade held in the village in September 1945 in honor of the general.
Press subscriber Randy L. Richardson, of Aberdeen, N.C., read the piece and found among his possessions a copy of the Skaneateles Press dated Sept. 21, 1945, in which the majority of the issue is dedicated to the story of Wainwright’s visit to Skaneateles and the parade to be held in his honor on Sept. 25.
Rather than throw the paper in the trash, Richardson gave it to Eagle Newspapers for our files. However, since we have no appropriate storage for such fragile and historic items, we, in turn, have donated the issue to the Skaneateles Historical Society.
Winship said the society was very excited by the donation. They have a copy of the newspaper in their files, but it is tattered and fragile. The newly acquired issue is in excellent shape with only one tear on the fold.
The entire front page is about Wainwright’s upcoming visit, with the headline, “Village set to pay honor to General Wainwright.” Other stories on the front page have headlines such as, “Record 10,000 crowd expected to be here for giant celebration;” “Dinner at Kan-Ya-To to feature address by secretary of war;” and “Village owes Wainwright fame to Holley family connections here.”
Mayor Jerome J. Murphy issued a proclamation, which was printed on page 1, declaring a public half-holiday for all public officials beginning at noon on Sept. 25 in observance of the parade to honor Gen. Wainwright that day.
Pages 4 and 5 have large, quarter-page advertisements from the Skaneateles Savings Bank, Cayuga Omnibus Corp. of Auburn, Flannigan Industries, Inc., and Columbian Rope Company of Auburn honoring, greeting and welcoming home General Wainwright.
The issue’s editorial, “Host to a hero,” is about the upcoming celebrations and the excitement in the town over Wainwright’s connections and visit to Skaneateles.
“The collective heart of Skaneateles skipped a beat today and the blood coursed swiftly through the village veins. Skaneateles was more excited than it had ever been in more than a century — and for good reason. General ‘Skinny’ Wainwright is coming to town,” the editorial began.
As the childhood home of Mrs. Wainwright, and the place she lived during the war while the general was is an internment camp, Skaneateles “could rightly claim distinction” and “is unalterably bound up now” in the Wainwright saga.
“Skaneateles’ welcome to General ‘Skinny’ Wainwright will be the biggest thing that ever happened to us. Let’s hope we can make it the most heart-warming thing that ever happened to him,” concluded the editorial.
Also, on the back page of the newspaper is an article titled, “Welch Allyn company cited by Army for war work.” The article states that Welch Allyn, manufacturers of diagnostic instruments, was highly commended by the Army Medical Corps for its contribution to the war effort, specifically for its “development, production and delivery of supplies so vitally needed for the preservation of the lives of our fighting men and women.”
This historic issue of the Skaneateles Press is a true gem, and we are glad the SHS will add it to their collections.
Jason Emerson is editor of the Skaneateles Press. He can be reached at editor@skaneatelespress.com.