The West Genesee School District is looking to reorganize its buildings.
In the spring, the district decided against closing Onondaga Road Elementary School to curtail a budget shortfall, though the district’s enrollment has been decreasing. But enrollment between the elementary and middle schools is off-keel and administrators are looking to find a balance.
Superintendent Chris Brown says two elementary schools — Onondaga Road and East Hill — have the same footprint, though one has 200 more students than the other.
The redistricting will allow the school district to draw new lines for which students attend each school. Castillo, Silky and Martin, a consulting group out of Syracuse, have been commissioned to do the study.
The group has collected information, district maps, building plans and other useful data to assess each school’s population. There will be the first of multiple community focus groups at 6 p.m. Jan. 5 at Stonehedge Elementary School library.
The district hopes to have a recommendation by the end of April, seeking to put the new plans in place by Sept. 2013.
The attendance zones and district boundaries have not been amended in at least 20 years, Brown said.
He will be updating the public on the redistricting process weekly on his blog at