Lysander officials have reduced spending one percent in the proposed 2012 town budget.
The overall proposed budget (for general, part town and highway appropriations) is $4,715,040, which represent a decrease of $923,366 compared to 2011. The proposed tax levy, the amount to be raised by property taxes, is $1,914,128.
A public hearing regarding the budget will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10, at the town hall, 8220 Loop Road, Radisson. Should the budget be approved, the tax rate for residents within the village will be .6187 or 62 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value, which is the same as last year; residents outside the village will see an increase from 1.323 (2011) to 1.338 (proposed 2012) or $1.338 per $1,000, which is a 1.1 percent increase over last year’s budget. This would equate to a $1.50 increase in taxes for a property assessed at $100,000 outside the village. There would be no change in town taxes for properties within the village.
Major factors affecting the 2012 proposed budget include: a 16 percent average increase in New York state retirement costs (budgeted $209,403 with increase); employee benefit costs (budgeted $443,549 total for current employees and retirees); and road construction projects ($363,350), road maintenance ($175,000), road salt ($176,000) and equipment purchases ($140,000) including a replacement pay loader. The budget includes no increase in pay rates for employees or elected officials.
Lysander’s taxable assessed value is $1,553,908,540, which is an increase of $87,038,001 (InBev accounts for $75,000,000 of increase). To review the entire budget, visit and click on “Town of Lysander 2012 Preliminary Budget.”