While medical practices like acupuncture and yoga are often regarded at “new age” or “alternative,” their healing properties have been utilized for thousands of years by an array of different cultures. Complementary Health Services of Cazenovia offers patients a wide variety of treatments, including osteopathic manipulative therapy, facial rejuvenation, Reiki, restorative yoga and acupressure, as well as acupuncture.
Started in 2000 by Dr. Scott Treatman, he and his wife, Dr. Linda Lemay, comprise Complementary Health Services and regularly employ natural medical approaches, without the use of prescription drugs or surgery.
“One of the most gratifying things, for me, is when people come in distressed and leave feeling relaxed and happy. It’s nice to spend time with the patients, fully evaluate their needs and give them the proper treatment,” said Lemay. “I had my reservations when Scott began practicing acupuncture; but when I had Achilles tendinitis, he treated me once and it worked. After that I was a believer.”
Usually, medical patients are rarely excited to hear they will have to be stuck with a needle when visiting their doctors. However, visitors to Treatman and Lemay’s offices often request acupuncture treatments to help them attain a relaxed, rejuvenated state of mind.
The practice of inserting needles into certain points on the human body dates back to the earliest records of human civilization. During the Han Dynasty in second century BCE, metal replaced sharpened stones and bone needles, which were previously used to alleviate common ailments.
“Chinese theory teaches that Chi, or energy, flows through meridians in the human body. When flow is blocked, issues like disease, pain, tumors and other ailments begin to develop. Needles unblock the flow and help your body heal itself,” Lemay said. “In Western medicine, it’s been shown through CAT-scans that different areas of the brain are activated when acupuncture is administered, releasing endorphins; the body’s natural painkiller.”
Lemay strongly advocates the power of acupuncture, treating a number of regular patients as well as her own dogs, on occasion. Sessions usually begin with an evaluative conversation. Lemay asks patients how they have been feeling, and looks at their tongue. One of the strongest muscles in the human body, the tongue can also tell how internal organs such as the liver, kidneys, heart, spleen and are operating.
Along with their lengthy list of accomplishments and accolades, both Treatman and Lemay are members of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture, Certified Family Physicians and New York State Certified Physician Acupuncturists; having completed the required 300 hours of training.
In the past 11 years of operation, Complementary Health Services has grown to two locations. Cazenovia residents are able to receive treatment at 3566 Pompey Hollow Rd., while those living closer to the city can receive treatment at the East Syracuse office, at 6701Manlius Center Rd.
As Treatman is currently employed as the director of employee health at Syracuse’s Crouse Hospital, Lemay is the primary caregiver for Complementary Health Services. She will be on hand at the Cazenovia Natural Healing and Wellness Fair, held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday May 14, at the American Legion Hall on Chenango Street.
To learn more the doctors and services offered, access the business’s website chscaz.com, call 655-8637 or email [email protected]. Discounts are offered to students and cancer patients. As hours of operation vary between the two offices, contact Lemay to make an appointment.