To support the Baldwinsville Central School District’s wellness policy and to emphasize the importance of physical activity and nutritious foods for a healthy lifestyle, Palmer Elementary School held its first in-school wellness day for students Dec. 10.
Students fueled up for the morning with a nutritious breakfast in their classrooms. Normally, any student purchasing breakfast eats it in the cafeteria, so eating in the classrooms was a privilege for the day.
After filling up on cereal, milk and juice, students met in the gym for an assembly, lead by Bryan Morgan, co-owner of Dynamics Health and Fitness. Morgan’s high energy, motivational presentation centered on the following principles: I am focused; I am giving; I am thankful; and I am strong. He had the students on their feet, moving throughout his presentation.
After the presentation, students rotated through physical and informational activities that included aerobics, an obstacle course and healthy snacking tips. All classes bundled up and took part in a brisk walk around the school in the frosty December air. Under the direction of teacher David Kilcourse, students learned how to use canned goods as weights for resistance training. In another activity, teacher Ron Hysick taught students various yoga poses and explained the parts of the body they were strengthening with each one. Chef Mark Voyten from Sysco gave students tips on healthy snacking and provided them with samples of nutritious and fresh choices including carrots and apple slices, to curb hunger and boost energy.
One of the school’s main hallways was lined with displays of information on the food pyramid, fat, sugar, food allergies and dental health. Walgreens, the American Dairy Association & Dairy Council, the New York State Education Department and Baldwinsville Gentle Dentistry provided informational handouts and health-related items for students.