The better half and I love our place on Skaneateles Lake. We’ve been coming to the lake for 15 years and have owned our place for 11 of those years. In looking a few years down the line we anticipate retiring to Skaneateles someday. In preparation for that time we began, about three years ago now, to look about for a condo in the village. To be honest we were prepared to purchase a place prior to retirement and, in talking about that possibility we would joke about the benefit of having a place in the village to escape to when the population at camp on a summer’s weekend became overwhelming.
More than 11 years ago when we set out to find the ‘camp of our dreams’ we were walking down Jordan Street and came upon Williams Realty. (They have since moved to East Genesse Street.) Popping our heads in the door of the realty we came face to face with a small blonde woman – sort of a little kewpie doll person, if you will. Her personality was perky and she was very welcoming. In sitting down and speaking with the ‘kewpie doll’ we learned her name was Gail Brewer. Thus the beginning of a relationship that has persevered over the last 11 years. I say persevered because although we found our ‘dream camp’, with Gail’s help, in a reasonably short period of time (one month) we have pursued other purchases over longer periods of time. Within a year of our first purchase Gail finalized a second for us. And, over the last three years Gail Brewer has persistently taken us – sometimes repeatedly – to see condos in every corner of Skaneateles village.
Not long ago I had a native of Skaneateles village tell me that I knew the streets of this location better than she does – this of course is the result of spending many hours walking to and fro in search of the CONDO. Actually it has all come in rather handy – I know little alley ways and such that I never knew before and I can get from the M&T Bank to Kinney’s in a snap using my acquired little cut thrus here and there. I have even learned of establishments where I can entered one door and leave thru another saving several minutes on a trip. Guess they’ll be on the lookout for me now.
Be that as it may – we still have not found our condo. We’ve come close several times and then, sitting back and taking a better look at the situation, decided not to make the move for a variety of reasons. In hindsight we have not regretted our decisions. We are currently in possession of a prospectus for one building – yet, the pieces aren’t
falling into place.
At a party last weekend, on the lake, I found myself giving a dissertation on the benefits of this particular condo – being able to walk to Riddler’s for the paper and then just crossing the street to get to the bakery for coffee and one of those delicious sandwiches on that wonderful bread. (Bread being something we don’t normally eat – but the exception is made for the bread at the bakery.) I went on and on about how grand it would be to walk up to St. James on Sunday morning for services, yadda, yadda, yadda. I pointed out the convenience of strolling over to the fish truck that parks on
Fennell – popping into the Creekside without looking for a parking place. Oh, dear Lord in Heaven, where is our condo in the village?
Now I’ve worked myself into a frenzy just writing about this search. You know how when you walk into a place and ‘Bam’ right away you know this is it? We had that feeling when we found our home down the shore and we’ve been in it for 34 years. We knew the minute we saw the camp on the lake. And it’s funny how when you find that perfect fit all the other pieces seem to fall into place – the timing, the price, the future forecast.
So we persist and we hang in there with our ‘Kewpie Doll’ Gail Brewer ever diligent in seeking that ‘condo in the sky’ that seems to be eluding us. Every once in awhile when I mention to the better half that I’m going to call Gail about a place, I hear, “Do you think she’ll take your call?” Fortunately for us she always takes the call.
And, I am confident that one day, in a condo in Skaneateles village we will sit with Gail and toast a new beginning. Just – ‘please God’ make it soon.
Carolann McLoughlin, a writer and editor from New Jersey with a home on Skaneateles Lake, can be reached at