Rec positions reclassified
Gene La Forte’s position has been reclassified to Park Labor Crew Leader. The part time positions for Rec Attendants have been reclassified as Park Maintenance workers.
New Rec Storage and M&R
Gene La Forte and Sue Greenfield Murphy are organizing three bays over at the Water Department’s garage on Fennell Street (next to SAVES) to store and maintain (over the winter) the town’s recreational equipment.
Laker Limo has two bays, one of which they will share with recreation.
The town is renting additional 40 foot temporary storage for lifeguard and field equipment.
Old Seneca Heights water and sewer review
The town planning board signed off on the Old Seneca Heights Development (between Jordan Road and Route 321), so that it came before the Town Board for final approval. The water and sewer plans were reviewed, and it will be back on the agenda for the Aug. 19, because the type of pipe to be used needs more study. Ductile iron pipe versus plastic. The iron is $20,000 more upfront, while the plastic needs to be installed in sand, while the iron needs to be wrapped in a plastic sleeve to avoid corrosion. The board will review with engineer Doug Wickman and report back Aug. 19.
Butter’s Farm Development drainage basins
The water retention ponds at the development need maintenance. The silt needs to be dredged out. There is money in a reserve homeowners’ fund for this maintenance. Again, the board is deferring to Wickman for cost on project quotes.
Transfer Station’s carport
It has been decided that the 20-year-old carport should be replaced rather than repaired. The work has gone out to bid, with the opening date at the Aug. 19 meeting.
Town budget scheduled
Town Budget Officer Bridgett Winkleman outlined a budget review schedule with the board, setting up a tentative budget into the town clerk by Sept. 30. This allows all of October for the board to work on the budget at special public meetings that will be posted (not public hearings).
A public hearing for the budget is Nov. 4 followed by a town board adoption date of Nov. 18.
Pitman moves on up
Town Clerk Janet Aaron reported that the town hall’s part time clerk Kelly Pitman has resigned her position for a full time position with YMCA.
“Wonderful, excellent worker,” Aaron said, “she’ll be missed!”
Town Comprehensive Plan update
Town Councilor Rick Keyes is in charge of the comprehensive plan review. He presented a proposal from Philip Best of the Notre Dame School of Architecture to consult on the update of the town’s plan with the help of his graduate students.
Windmill local law discussed
Non substantive language was discussed regarding the windmill law as it was translated by General Code from local law to the code book. The board did not see any of the law’s substantive language changed.
The next town board meeting is scheduled for Aug. 19.