Sugar & Spice Party Planners has teamed up with Mohegan Manor Restaurant and banquet facilities to host a mother and daughter formal tea.
Tea will be served at 2 p.m. Sunday May 3. This popular event, which is a family affair and usually draws at least five generations, appeals to ladies from 3 to 103. Three courses are served including scones with Devonshire cream, traditional tea sandwiches, as well as heart shaped childrens’ favorites, followed by a delicious dessert. Hot tea and magic chocolate tea are served throughout the event.
Miss Jacki will offer a bit of tea history and etiquette tips during the event. The price is $22 per adult and $15 per child. Guests are encouraged to bring anyone who is special to them and make it a family affair with mother, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, fairy godmothers, anyone who will enjoy this special afternoon. The price includes tax and gratuity.
For reservations, call 720-6043 or visit and click on event reservations. There is limited seating and this popular event will fill up fast.
Mohegan Manor is located at 58 Oswego St. in Baldwinsville.