The CNY Family Sports Centre has announced the upcoming indoor and outdoor soccer leagues for adults. To register, contact CNY Family Sports Centre Adult Director Greg Arnod at or call the office at 315-638-8866.
All teams are required to put down a credit card to guarantee payment for their team at the time of registration. This credit card will not be billed unless the team fails to pay its league fees. Should the team fail to make payment in full, the remainder of fees will be placed on the given card. The card will be charged after team’s scheduled third game if team has not paid in full.
CNYFSC offers an “Early Bird” discount of $55 if team pays in full before or at first game. A $100 deposit is required at registration.
Adult Coed will play 7 vs. 7 (six field players plus a keeper) with three females on the field. It is legal to play with two, but you must play down a player.
Men’s will play 6 vs. 6 (five field players plus a keeper).
Divisions will be formed based on the various skill levels. Players may only play on one team per division.
Each team will play eight games. The top four teams reach the playoffs.
CNYFSC is located at 7201 Jones Road, Syracuse. Visit to learn more.
Summer Indoor Coed
8-week session starting Aug. 11
Price: $895 ($840 early bird discount, if paid in full the first day)
Summer Outdoor Coed
8-week session starting Aug. 4
Price: $750 ($695.00 early bird discount, if paid in full the first day)
Fall/Summer Outdoor Men’s League
Starts Wednesday, Aug. 14
Price: $750 ($695.00 early bird discount, if paid in full the first day)
Fall Indoor Women’s
Starts Thursday, Sept. 1
Price: $895 ($840 early bird discount, if paid in full the first day)