DeWitt officials are advising all residents and businesses that town personnel will be out in the field the next few months at locations across the Town of DeWitt – Jamesville, central DeWitt, Fayetteville zip codes, East Syracuse and Collamer – conducting an inventory of town water hydrants, valves, pumping stations, and water towers for the purposes of updating the town/county GIS information system.
Updating the town’s water facilities inventory will allow the water department to more quickly access information for the purposes of ascertaining water system problems and/or needed maintenance and repairs.
The updated inventory for the GIS system also supports more precise planning and scheduling of maintenance and repair work, as well as more accurate capitol expense planning.
Residents are advised, town water hydrants and valves are located in the town right-away and personnel working in the field will endeavor not to encroach on private property, with some exceptions if water facilities are not easily accessible due to overgrowth or other obstructions.
All Town of DeWitt personnel in the field will have official identification and can readily provide it if a property owner requests it.