By Assemblymember Pamela J. Hunter
128th District
Each January, the governor lays out his priorities for the upcoming year during his State of the State address, signaling to the legislature which issues he wants to address and what goals he wants to make a reality.
During this year’s speech, Gov. Andrew Cuomo touched on several key issues for Central New York, including making sure our public schools are fairly funded, standing up to the federal tax plan, reducing property taxes and investing in our region’s infrastructure. It’s sure to be a busy legislative session, but as always, my main focus is on protecting our families and getting real results to make life better here.
For far too long, students in poorer communities and high-need districts have been shortchanged and left without the resources they need to excel — something Syracuse families are unfortunately all too familiar with. That has to change, and I’m committed to working with the governor to make it happen. We need to make sure state aid is truly going to the schools and students that need it most so that we can level the playing field and make sure each and every child is getting an education that prepares them for the future.
To that end, I also look forward to ensuring the governor’s proposals to build on the Empire State After-School Program as well as expand pre-K for 3- and 4-year-olds, particularly in high-need districts, become a reality. As research has repeatedly shown, kids — especially those from poor and disadvantaged communities — who participate in pre-K programs are better prepared for kindergarten and a lifetime of learning.
It’s no secret that the new federal tax plan is going to have an enormous impact on this state and our families, and I stand with the governor’s call to fight it. The plan takes away valuable deductions middle-class families rely on and caps our state and local income and property tax deductions. I’m also committed to cutting property taxes to lessen the burden Central New York families face.
Many of the governor’s State of the State proposals are a step in the right direction for Central New York: strengthening our schools, investing in infrastructure and lowering taxes, restoring public trust and banning outside legislators’ income so there is no conflict of interest, eradicating homelessness, protecting the environment, combating opioid addiction, closing the LLC loophole, restructuring the tax code and attracting and creating infrastructure jobs of tomorrow.
This year will undoubtedly present challenges, but the needs of our communities will always come first and foremost for me. I work for you, and it’s my job to get real results. My door is always open. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at (315) 449-9536 or with any questions or concerns.