Abbott Farms
3275 Cold Springs Road
Baldwinsville NY 13027
Warren and Alice Abbott, Owners
Facebook: Abbott Farms NY
Instagram: abbott.farms
Q: What problem does your business solve?
A: We provide safe, nutrient rich, and locally grown fresh food to our community while providing a unique fun family experience.
Q: Why does your product or service stand out?
A: Five generations of our family to yours. We focus on retail; we do not pick for wholesale and then bring in u-pick to “clean up.” We sell retail first, and wholesale very little.
Q: What is your favorite part about the B’ville community?
A: From one room school houses to centralized schools, after all these years it still is a great place to raise your children. Our youngest graduated this year.
Q: What is new at Abbott Farms?
A: We started a CSA (community supported agriculture) this year. Buy a membership and get a share each week of our production through the season. We added a host of summer vegetables for our CSA members.
Our greenhouse is now a party venue space. We had our first big wedding last January and a quinceañera last month. We are booking dates for weddings, graduation parties, and the like.
Hard cider is now in cans and new flavors continue in development. We have dry, semi-dry, hopped, and various fruit flavors, and now are developing a sweet and semi-sweet base to round out our cidery’s offerings.
Q: What is the schedule for crops at Abbott Farms?
A: We are open all year. Hard cider is always in season and we freeze sweet cider to have most of the year too. Depending on the season, the harvest starts with asparagus and rhubarb in May and June.
Strawberries come the second week of June followed by summer raspberries and sweet cherries as we move into July. Blueberries start in early July and run through August. Our sweet corn comes late in July and goes to frost in October.
Apples start mid-August, and 20 varieties and five sports later we find ourselves in November. Italian prunes are in September. Pumpkins start in late September and go to Halloween.
Q: What is the most recent thing you learned about business?
A: The farm has had to evolve to accommodate the changing demographics. It’s even truer today than it was generations ago.
Q: What do you see for your business in the next five years?
A: Growth! Besides growing crops we plan to grow the business into a destination for more families to visit.
Q: What has been your most satisfying moment in operating your business?
A: Seeing and interacting with families while they create lifelong memories of having fun together for yet another generation, something we try to replicate daily.
Q: What superpower would you like to have?
A: The employees already call Warren “The Flash.” He suddenly appears and then disappears just as quickly, likely a byproduct of his days running for B’ville. Alice wants to be in multiple locations at once to be able to serve more.
Please note: The Greater Baldwinsville Chamber of Commerce office will be closed Monday-Friday, July 1-5.