MasterWorks Chorale to host open rehearsal
Start the New Year with song. MasterWorks Chorale is welcoming new singers during open rehearsal Jan. 7 and 14, from 7 to 9:15 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, 97 East Genesee St., Skaneateles. Singers of all abilities and musical experiences (high school age and older) are welcome to lift their voices with MasterWorks’ 60-member choir for the Spring 2020 season. Formal auditions are not required. New members meet with music director Kip Coerper, Ch.M. to determine their vocal ranges for the best placement in the choir. Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings at First Presbyterian Church. The spring 2020 concert season will include “Basically Brahms” with orchestra, 4 p.m. March 22 at St. Mary’s Church in Auburn; the annual children’s concert on May 16; and the annual Spring Gala, “Songs of the Seasons—Broadway and Beyond” May 17. Further information is available on the MasterWorks website at or by emailing