Off the Shelf: November events at Maxwell Library
by Rena Brower
Maxwell Library
Art exhibit
Color and Beyond: Paintings by Megan Muldoon
Now through Nov. 28
Megan Muldoon is a local artist who has produced many works in oil, acrylic, and clay. Diagnosed with autism at a young age, she has been drawing in perspective ever since. Megan’s artistic expression explores the object and beyond through the use of color. The wide array of tones, both subtle and vibrant, help communicate to others her unique view of the world around her.
Thursdays @ Maxwell
Nov. 9, 16, and 30. Times and topics vary.
Get ready to love your Thursdays! Each week, we’ll offer a new and exciting class, craft, or program for people of all ages. Check our calendar to see what we have planned, and stop in or sign up. Let us know what things you want to know more about, and we’ll do our best to add those. This month’s programs are:
Nov. 9, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.. The Hidden Life of Trees. Free. Registration preferred. For tweens through adults.
Have you ever wondered why trees turn such lovely shades of yellow, orange and red in the fall? Why do most pine and spruce trees not even bother? Join us for an exploration of the hidden lives of trees and learn:
How trees communicate with each other
If their intelligence can be quantified
What deadly defenses trees have against being eaten
How trees nurture life around them
“Leaf” with some new knowledge about our giant plant neighbors!
Nov. 16, 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. Jewel Winds Quintet. Free. Registration preferred. All ages.
Please join Jewel Winds woodwind quintet for a family-friendly evening of “Music and Stories” in the children’s area at Maxwell Library. The main narrated piece will be Ferdinand the Bull, by Munro Leaf, with music by Georges Bizet. Other musical selections will include Frosty the Snowman, Bagatelles for Bugs, I Bought Me a Cat, a Harry Potter medley, and more. This program is funded by the Skaneateles Area Arts Council.
Nov. 30, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Meet Libby. Free. Registration preferred. For teens through adults.
OverDrive, the company that Maxwell and OCPL rely on for most of the library’s ebooks and e-audiobooks, has a new version of its app — Libby. It seems to be more stable and less buggy than the earlier app, and patrons are encouraged to transition to Libby. This month’s tech program will cover how to use Libby and what the differences are between it and the older OverDrive app. You may bring your laptop or mobile device, but this is not required.
Peer-Based Suicide Support Group
Nov. 9, 15, 21, and 29, 6 to 7:30 p.m. Free. No registration.
Two Brothers’ Light is a non-profit organization that promotes suicide prevention and awareness. It holds peer-based support groups for individuals affected by suicide and other mental health issues. These meetings are free and open to anyone seeking information on suicide prevention and awareness, alternatives to suicide, or grief support for those affected by suicide. For more information, contact Natalie at 315-632-1996, or go to
Opening reception: Color and Beyond: Paintings by Megan Muldoon
Wednesday, Nov. 8, 6 to 7:30 p.m. Free. No registration.
Meet Maxwell Library’s Nov. artist and get some insight into her colorful, vibrant acrylics and pastels.
Unraveling Yarns Book Club (for adults)
Thursday, Nov. 9, 10:30 to noon. Free. No registration.
All book selections have a mystery or suspense theme. Bring your needlework and unravel a different plot each month. Stop in at Maxwell for a copy of this month’s book, Charles Todd’s A Pattern of Lies, and a reading guide. Non-knitters are also welcome.
Individual Internet Instruction
Thursday, Nov. 9, 1 to 4p.m. Free. Registration required.
Call for your 45-minute one-on-one class with Lois. No question is too basic! Learn email, web surfing, and mouse tricks. Taught on our PCs or your laptop. Please save questions about digital library books, tablets and smartphones for Rena, Pete, or other staff.
Young Filmmakers Interest Group
Friday, Nov. 10, 3 to 4:30 p.m. Free. Registration required.
Be part of developing Maxwell Library’s filmmaking program! Started in 2015 through a DeFrancisco grant, the program is ready to expand. The library is looking for input from teens and adults who share an interest in all aspects of the filmmaking process, both creative and technical. The interest group will create an outline and schedule for the actual film workshop sessions, planned for early- to mid-2018. No special requirements other than a desire to learn about the history, art, and production of film. Today’s meeting continues the discussion and planning from the September meeting, but additional members are welcome.
Financing for College
Monday, Nov. 13, 6 to 7 p.m. Free. Registration required.
This seminar with student loan experts from Citizens Bank offers students and parents guidance in the student loan process. Learn:
what your options are for paying for college
what types of loans are available
how to research available funding
what information is required when applying
what are the responsibilities of a co-signer
about repayment options and timelines
Maxwell Matinee (for adults)
Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2 p.m. Free. Registration preferred. Call for title.
A woman reflects on her unconventional upbringing at the hands of her artsy, nonconformist parents. Now married to a man who works in finance in New York, she faces criticism from her parents that she has betrayed their values. Based on the bestselling memoir by Jeannette Walls (2017; PG-13; 127 minutes). Licensing laws prevent us from publicizing certain details, but you may call the library or go to our website for the title. Seating is limited, so please reserve your place online or by calling 315-672-3661.
New York State of Health at Your Library
Wednesday, Nov. 15, 11 to 2 p.m. Free. No registration.
Lydia Medina, Navigator for the New York State of Health at the Salvation Army, is at Maxwell once a month to help families and individuals sign up for health insurance. She will answer questions about the many programs available, show you how to enroll from home, and can enroll you in your choice of plan on the spot. Stop in anytime between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. today.
Foundations of Investing
Monday, Nov. 20, 6 to 7 p.m. Free. Registration required.
Join Sean Byrne, financial advisor with Edward Jones, for a seminar on the five basic rules of investing. This educational program is geared to people who want an overview of investing, including key terms and types of investments. Foundations of Investing covers the basic features of bonds, stocks, and packaged investments, and the importance of asset allocation.
Between the Lines Book Club (for adults)
Monday, Nov. 27, 2 to 3:30 p.m.. Free. No registration.
The group reads a variety of genres, from literary fiction to suspenseful bestsellers. Copies of this month’s selection, Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, and reading guides are available at the desk. Everyone is welcome.
Maxwell Library Board Meeting
Monday, Nov. 27, 6 p.m.
The Board of Trustees meets on the third Monday of each month unless stated otherwise. The public is welcome to attend. If you would like to address the board or request a topic to be put on the agenda, please contact director Katy Benson at least two weeks before the meeting. The agenda is posted online one week before.
Ongoing programs for kids and teens (all free; no registration unless otherwise noted):
Sally’s Story Time, for preschoolers.
Tuesdays, Nov. 14, 21, and 28, 10:30 to 11 a.m.
Stories with Sally, for the under-3 crowd and a participating adult.
Mondays and Wednesdays, Nov. 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, and 29, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m.
No Saturday Story Times or Maxwell Family Movie this month; the library is closed for Veterans’ Day.
Monday Fundays
Mondays, Nov. 13, 20, and 27, 5 to 5:30 p,m. Free. Registration preferred. For children ages 5 to 10.
What’s this week’s creative craft? Check online, or be surprised!
Tween Scene
Tuesdays, Nov. 14, and 28 (not 21), 5 to 5:45 p.m. Free. Registration preferred. For students ages 10 to 14.
Activities will include craft projects, movies, games, open mic, or you may suggest an upcoming activity.
Teen Zone
Wednesdays, Nov. 8, 15, and 29 (not 22), 5 to 5:45 p.m. Free. Registration preferred. For students in grades 9 to 12.
Activities will include craft projects, movies, games, open mic, or you may suggest an upcoming activity.
Preschool Book Club
Thursdays, Nov. 9, 16, and 30 (not 23), 1:30 to 2 p.m. Free. Registration preferred. For children ages 3 to 5 with a parent or guardian.
Children, adults, and Ms. Melissa will read a book together and then talk about it. Check our website for the weekly selection.
Go Digital:
With OverDrive and Hoopla, great entertainment is only a click away on your computer or mobile device. We have ebooks, audiobooks, music and videos, with new titles added daily. It’s easy, fun, and free! Call to set up a help session.
Get tech savvy by attending Tech Librarian Pete’s monthly classes. Catch up on what you missed with Handouts and Other Resources through the Digital tab on our website.
Your library card is the key to amazing free online encyclopedias, newspapers, magazines, archives, tutorials, and courses. Go to the Digital tab on our website, or to
We have a variety of devices for you to use or borrow, including ereaders, Google Cardboard virtual reality viewers, iPads, Kindle Fire HD, Microsoft Surface, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Android FamTab, and the AWE children’s computer.
Stay Connected:
Sign up for our monthly online library newsletter. Submit your name and email address at the library or via email to, with “Maxwell newsletter” typed in the subject box. The newsletter can also be found on the “News and Events” tab on our website. See upcoming events and register as needed by clicking on the calendar icon on the homepage. Provide your email address and get an automatic reminder before the event. You can support your library online through the PayPal Donate feature on our website.
Being a Friend of Maxwell is a great way to support the library. The group sponsors library programs and fundraising events. Click the Friends tab on for news and updates of meetings and special events.