Fenner town residents will be visited in coming weeks by the town dog control officer, who will be canvassing the town to verify all dogs are licensed and vaccinated. Owners with unlicensed dogs will be subject to a licensing late fee. The move was approved by the Fenner Town Board at its April 10 meeting as a “periodic update” to verify licensed dogs in the town. No such licensing check has been done in Fenner for about four years, said Town Supervisor Russ Carey. Under the unanimously-approved measure, town dog control officer Gary Gardner will visit every house in Fenner to verify any dogs on the property are properly licensed and also have up-to-date rabies vaccinations. Garder said he will give any owners of unlicensed dogs a form describing licensing fees and procedures and they will have 30 days to visit the town office and license their dog(s). Owners will be charged a $5 late fee for licensing at the town office. If owners do not license their dogs within the 30-day timeframe, they would be in violation of the town dog licensing law. The current town dog licensing law, approved in 2010 and effective Jan. 1, 2011, states that violations for unlicensed dogs in the town can range from $25 to $250 per violation. Each day a violation goes unresolved becomes a separate offense. Fenner residents who go to the town office and license their dogs before a visit from Gardner will not be charged the late fee, said Town Clerk Joanne Buyea. The reason for the licensing canvas is an increase in dogs in recent years in the town, and the fact that an update to the licensing registry has not been undertaken in so long. Residents with questions about dog licensing can contact Gardner at 723-7254.
Also at the meeting, the board reminded residents that the Town of Fenner annual “Clean Up Days” will be from noon to 4 p.m. Friday, May 3, and 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 4. This year dumpsters will be available at the Fenner Town Office Building. Fenner Residents only will be limited to one pick-up truckload of trash and four tires off rims. No household garbage, refrigerators, freezers, TVs, computers, propane tanks, air conditioners or ag plastic will be accepted. All ag plastic will be accepted directly at the transfer station or landfill. For more information about the clean-up days, residents may call 655-2705 or 655-8404, email [email protected] or visit the town website at townoffenner.com. Jason Emerson is editor of the Cazenovia Republican. He can be reached at [email protected].