Elections were held in and around Cazenovia on Nov. 3, with polls open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Election Day saw contested races in towns across the country as well as a heated county sheriff and county clerk race. The Madison County Board of Elections released preliminary results after the polls closed Tuesday night.
The only contested race in Cazenovia’s election was for two open town council positions. Republican incumbent Patrick Race and Republican challenger Walt Joncas earned the most votes, beating out Democratic and Strong Community candidate incumbent Kristi Andersen. Joncas had 1,065 votes, Race had 1,550 votes and Andersen had 1,009 votes. Update: New numbers from the county now place Andersen ahead of Joncas. Keep checking cnylink.com for more information.
Republican, Independence and Conservative party candidate Ralph M. Monforte won the supervisor position with 1,751 votes.
Republican town clerk candidate Linda Mather received 1,689 votes.
Republican town justice candidate Fred G. Palmer III received 1,660 votes.
DeRuyter did not have any contested races in the Nov. 3 election.
Republican supervisor candidate Daniel S. DeGear received 306 votes, Republican town clerk/collector candidate Rebecca M. Wightman received 338 votes, Republican highway superintendent candidate Walter C. Cook received 334 votes and Republican town justice candidate Sammy D. Roller received 308 votes.
Republican town council candidates Robert A. Hathaway and Robert G. Jones received 316 votes and 292 votes, respectively.
Fenner did not have any contested races in the Nov. 3 election.
Republican supervisor candidate Russell L. Cary received 334 votes, Republican town clerk/collector candidate Joanne Buyea received 328 votes, Republican highway superintendent candidate Frank M. Hyatt received 316 votes and Republican tax collector candidate Sharon E. Larkin received 298 votes.
Town council candidates Henry Stoker and Hannah Strack received 200 votes and 262 votes, respectively. Stoker is a Democratic party member and Strack is a Republican party member.
In Nelson, two candidates vied for the town clerk/collector position. Democratic and Good Neighbor party candidate Deborah Costello beat Hometown party candidate Susan J. Henderson. Costello had 297 votes, while Henderson had 290 votes.
Nelson’s other races were uncontested. Democratic supervisor candidate Roger Bradstreet received 433 votes. Republican highway superintendent candidate John R. Sevier, Jr. received 478 votes. Republican town justice candidate Patrick O’Sullivan received 448 votes.
Democratic party candidate Michael J. Costello and Republican party candidate Dean A. Coe took the two open town council positions. Costello received 397 votes and Coe received 397 votes.