The Town of Eaton Democrats held their caucus on Wednesday evening, Sept. 16, in Morrisville to nominate candidates for town supervisor, town clerk, town council and town highway superintendent.
The Town Democratic Committee extended an invitation to all people who had an interest in running for any of these positions to present themselves to the caucus, regardless of party affiliation. All Town of Eaton residents were invited to attend, but only town of Eaton registered Democrats were allowed to vote.
Priscilla Suits, the incumbent town supervisor, Mary Messere, and John Latham presented themselves as candidates for town supervisor. Larry Phillips and Murray Ames presented themselves as candidates for town highway superintendent.
Mary Messere was nominated as the Democratic candidate for town supervisor and Larry Phillips was nominated as the Democratic candidate for town highway superintendent. Deb Clark was nominated for Eaton town clerk and Bill Donnelly for one of the Eaton town council vacancies.
Over thirty people attended the caucus and twenty-seven Democrats cast their votes for the two contested positions.
On the county level, the Madison County Democratic Committee will meet Monday evening, Sept. 21 at 7 p.m. at the Town of Eaton Office Bldg., 35 Cedar St. in Morrisville. The agenda includes nominating a candidate for Madison County Sheriff and assisting Bill Owens’ campaign for the 23rd Congressional District vacancy for the U.S. House of Representatives.