Local members of the Alliance for Retired Americans meet at 10 a.m. Sept. 11 at NYSUT Headquarters to learn how to live long, healthy lives.
Members of the Central New York Alliance for Retired Americans will come
together to learn the basics of taking charge of their own health and
Stating that, “America also has a health crisis,” community leader, Karen Hanford, promises a half hour talk that will put the solution to staying
healthy into the hands of the individual.
“Americans are a resilient, resourceful people ready to face challenge and
change,” Hanford said. “The solution to the healthy lifestyle is a version
of “Back to the Future,” readopting nutritional practices that have led to
longevity and excellent health in past populations both here and abroad.”
The session will include a fast paced half hour talk with equal time for
give and take and questions. No notebook or pen required, handouts available
at no charge.
Central NY Alliance for Retired Americans Chair
Jerry Lotierzo at [email protected] – 315-243-9823
Karen Hanford, [email protected] 315-673-3549
NYSUT (New York State United Teachers) Office
Brittonfield Office Park, East Syracuse, NY
Take Route 481 (N or S) to Exit #7, Bridgeport Exit – At
the end of the ramp take a right and then a quick left into Brittonfield
Office Park. The NYSUT office is the third building on the right with
parking available in the rear of the building.
Sycamore Hill Gardens will be open 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 20 to benefit ST. CAMILLUS for info&directions:.sycamorehillgardens.com/