(Photo by Marilyn Tschorke)
Make this Valentine’s Day extra special for your family and give them the gift of friendship with a Fresh Air child! Each summer, thousands of children from New York City’s low-income communities visit suburban, rural and small town communities along the East Coast and Southern Canada through The Fresh Air Fund’s Friendly Towns Program. This summer, join volunteer host families in the Syracuse area who open their hearts and homes to New York City children.
“Vicky loves catching fireflies at night and roasting marshmallows. Our family made a best friend for life. She is truly so sweet, and everyone in the family just adores her,” said Fresh Air host mom Donielle Dwyer.
First time Fresh Air children are boys and girls, from seven to 12 years old, who live in New York City. Children who are re-invited by host families may continue with The Fresh Air Fund through age 18 and can enjoy extended trips.
The Fresh Air Fund, an independent, not-for-profit agency, has provided free summer experiences to more than 1.8 million New York City children from low-income communities since 1877.
For more information on hosting a Fresh Air child this summer, please contact Cesar Rodriguez at 212-897-8908 or visit The Fresh Air Fund at freshair.org.