The Winterfest Talent Show will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 10, in the high school auditorium. If by chance there is a snow day throughout the school district on Friday, the show will be rescheduled to 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 11.
Project CAFE students have been busy planning the annual show. Community members and students unite to watch the talents of our community. Last year, the talent consisted of mostly singers and dancers. This year, the Allure Dance Studio will make an appearance as one of the acts. Many other talents are encouraged such as musicians, magicians, comedians and jugglers.
Prizes are awarded to the top acts by the judges: the “King and Queen of Winterfest.”
Anyone interested in participating in the Winterfest Talent Show should contact either Megan Henderson ( or Colleen Karmis (
Proceeds from the show benefit scholarships for graduating Project CAFE student leaders.