New year, new local political goals – Part 1

Municipal leaders set New Year’s Resolutions

By Hayleigh Gowans

Staff Writer

At the start of each year, the Eagle Bulletin asks town supervisors and village mayors in its coverage area to state their goals and hopes for their municipalities in the coming year. In 2017, local leaders have in mind a variety of initiatives and goals including balanced budgets, reasonable tax rates, equipment and infrastructure upgrades, addressing problems within communities and promoting positive growth.

Here are the responses from the mayors of East Syracuse and Fayetteville, and the supervisor of Manlius (We will run responses next week from the mayors of Minoa and Manlius, and the supervisor of DeWitt):

Mark Olson, Mayor of Fayetteville

Mark Olson

As we finish 2016 and get ready to start 2017, let me wish all residents of Fayetteville a happy and prosperous New Year and may 2017 bring you joy, health and happiness. 2016 was another year in which Fayetteville saw a year of vibrant growth as well as expanded quality of life programs for our residents. I’m so thankful for your help and input in making our village the best it can be.

I want to thank our dedicated village employees, who provide dedicated and effective service, a big thank you to all of our volunteer board members who give countless hours of service and talent. We are so fortunate to have these great people making it happen day in and day out in our village.

In 2016 new development began, new business opened and the housing market continued to thrive. We have quality schools, great emergency services, well run and committed public works and wonderful amenities like the Senior Center, library and recreation department. Your village clerk, codes department and village court continue to work day in and day out to provide the best programs and services. This all doesn’t happen without a great team of elected officials making it happen behind the scenes. Your trustees continue to work hard believing in the programs and agenda we set every year at our January meeting. My thanks to the trustees for their continued hard work and dedication.

This year as in years past I have created a top 10 list of goals (resolutions for our village) for the upcoming year. This list is our road map for our village as we head into 2017. I look forward to the challenges we face and I know we will be a village that is proactive rather than reactive. I also have faith in the knowledge that we come together as a village when there are issues facing all of us rather than a community that is divided and doesn’t come together. This year more than ever as we encountered challenges and opportunities, I saw residents true love for their village and I heard their desire to have us continue to grow and prosper. For all that I am truly grateful to be the mayor of this incredible village. Happy New Year to all of you and thank you for the privilege to serve.

Village of Fayetteville Top 10 Initiatives 2017:

  1. Senior Center Community Development project.
  2. Work with Controllers office on audit and fiscal stress score.
  3. Construct Canal Landing phase 4.
  4. Parks Master Plan update and implement recommendations.
  5. Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Countil Route 5 corridor study.
  6. Limestone Plaza area parking revisions project.
  7. Work with Fayetteville Free Library board to resolve tax cap and other issues.
  8. Clear Limestone Creek sand bed with long term maintenance plan.
  9. Create long term budget and labor forecast 2017 to 2027.
  10. Code enforcement officer transition.


Robert Tackman, Mayor of East Syracuse

Robert Tackman

During 2016 I have been focusing attention on many of the partnerships the village has. In 2017 I am looking forward to spending the year on thanking the people in our community that help make East Syracuse a great place to live and to do business.

Some of my goals for 2017 are the following:

  1. Continue to develop a balanced budget with a decreasing tax rate.
  2. Continue to advocate for the village with the state and county.
  3. Focus additional attention on growing our parks and recreation programming.
  4. Find new ways to communicate with residents and businesses in our community.
  5. Find new ways to reduce vacant and dilapidated properties.
  6. Create a housing/rental support committee to help with landlord tenant issues.
  7. Design a more comprehensive sidewalk improvement plan.


Ed Theobald, Supervisor of Manlius

Ed Theobald

Once again, it is time to look forward to our 2017 resolutions for the town of Manlius. As I look back at the last few years regarding goals I have set, along with our board’s input, there are always a few areas of focus. One is keeping our taxes under control, also major infrastructure projects to consider and third, making sure our quality of life is maintained throughout the town. As we look at these goals/resolutions, it is important to note that we need continued cooperation of the public, private, as well as elected leaders and citizens to have a successful 2017.

Two years in a row now, we have managed to reduce our tax rate as well as stay below the New York state mandated tax cap for 2017. This happens of course, when all of the planets and stars align and I wave a magic wand and POOF, it happens! If it was only that easy. In spite of Albany’s mandates forced upon us each year, such as New York state retirement funding, the property tax cap, which for the 2017 year was .68 percent (whatever happened to the 2 percent?) and health insurance increases, it is the cooperation of each of our town departments who meet with me and their board liaisons and my town manager, that helps us succeed in controlling our taxes each year. We have now accomplished this once again without sacrificing our services provided to our town residents and my goal is to continue this going forward in spite of the road blocks thrown at us each year.

Last, but of course not least, the board strives to continue to have open and productive communication with our three village mayors of Minoa, Fayetteville and Manlius. Working together, we are meeting daily challenges, making our villages and town great places to live and work.

Finally, I hope all of you reach your new and/or renewed goals and that all of you have a happy, healthy and successful New Year in 2017.

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