To the editor:
On Aug. 3 and 4, 39 volunteers — parents, teachers and community members — gathered at Reynolds Elementary School to build a new playground, funded by Baldwinsville Central School District and designed and manufactured by Parkitects.
Under the professional guidance of the Parkitects’ build leader, the volunteer crew removed rocks from the prepared site, dug post holes, assembled and positioned play equipment, mixed concrete, raked tons of stone, laid landscaping fabric, raked about 150 cubic yards of mulch, and finally, just before dinnertime on Day 2, happily affixed the caution tape and labels onto the completed set.
Special thanks go to all the volunteers who helped build, those who donated food and drinks, and especially to The Deli and Sal’s Pizza, who generously donated lunches to the tired and hungry volunteers.
The two-day build would have taken twice as long or longer, were it not for the generosity of Mattoon Construction Services, who lent manpower and a back-saving skid steer to the project. Their significant contribution made a tremendous difference. Our backs and hands thank you!
Final thanks go to the Baldwinsville Central School District for purchasing the playground equipment that will be enjoyed by the kids for years to come!
Kim Ventura
Reynolds Elementary parent