The Oswego County Democratic Committee, the Working Families Party and the Women’s Equality Party have all endorsed and designated Gail Tosh as their candidate for the 120th Assembly District.

The election for State Assembly takes place Nov. 6. Registered voters across the district vote in their normal polling place.
Tosh said she is running because she feels that the federal government has forgotten about the average American citizen and that strong state government is paramount. Tosh launched her campaign in March of this year.
Tosh’s campaign relies on face-to-face meetings with the voters of the district. She canvasses four to five times a week.
“I really enjoy the process of meeting the voters. It’s not often that someone knocks on your door anymore, but most people have been surprised, and eager to speak with me,” Tosh said.
With a list of 75,000 voters Tosh said she knows she can’t get to every voter personally.
“I’d like to get to every district, at least once,” Tosh said. “If you see one of my palm cards on your door, you know that I, or one of my volunteers, was in your neighborhood that day!”
Tosh said in her conversations with constituents, the main issues she’s heard about are the high cost of health insurance and health care, the state of the economy and education.
“New York family budgets are being destroyed by the demands of our current health care and health insurance systems,” Tosh said. “It’s time that hard working families enjoy the health security they deserve.”
Other issues voters are concerned about include gun safety, the New York State medical marijuana program, separation of church and state and tax reform, Tosh said.
Tosh’s campaign is hosting a fundraiser Aug. 6 at Dani’s Dessert and Wine Bar, 56 Oswego St., in Baldwinsville. For more information on this event, and other events happening in your area, go to or Gail Tosh for State Assembly on Facebook.