Cazenovia Middle School first quarter citizens of the quarter have been named. This is an honor awarded to a student who displays good manners, a positive attitude, a consideration for others, cooperative behavior and a responsibility toward self and school in an exemplary manner.
The students are nominated by their teachers who use specific examples to explain why they feel their nominee has earned this honor. It emphasizes attributes that are not easily measured by grade reports.
Congratulations to Ava Vanetti, Jaden Kaplan, Mary McCay, Sally Hughes, Lucy Bliss, Rachael Caraher, Mesi Stevens, Olivia Franks, Raeanne Thompson, Abby Falso, Mya Skeele, Kelton Young, Liam Colligan, Corinne Albicker, Faith Wheeler, Katelin Frisbie, Ella Salzman and Miriam Moskvich.