The Nelson Town Office was overflowing with well wishers last Sunday to celebrate Richard “Dick” Benner, of Nelson, and his receipt of the 2017 Norman Odell Citizen of the Year Award.
The award, given by The Erieville Nelson Heritage Society and the Town of Nelson, recognizes a citizen of the town who has made an outstanding contribution to the area in volunteer work. Benner is being recognized for his work for Cazenovia American Legion Post 88, where he is a 51-year member. He is also a founding member of the In Your Pace Running Club of Cazenovia, New Woodstock, Erieville and Nelson, and a member of Alcoholics Anonymous for the past 37 years.
Benner said he was surprised to receive the award, and has been grateful for all the recognition he has received. “I am not as awesome as the press release makes me sound,” he said during the Nov. 5 award ceremony. “I am here today thanks to a number of great people and a very strong support system.”

Benner is the 26th person in 21 years to receive the Norman Odell Citizen of the Year Award. He received a plaque listing his achievement, and his name was added to the plaque that lists all winners of the award, which is hug in the Nelson Town Office.
State Assemblyman Bill Magee was on hand on Nov. 5 where he not only congratulated Benner on his award, but also gave him a citation from the New York State Assembly, honoring Benner for his “deep commitment and high achievement” in working to enhance the quality of life for the community of Nelson.
“You join a heck of a bunch [of award recipients], all of whom helped make Nelson a better place,” said Town Supervisor Roger Bradstreet.
After the ceremony Benner, surrounded by his family, posed for pictures, and all in attendance had coffee and cake.