Fayetteville-Owahgena Chapter NSDAR was having fun in the sun while touring the historic Camillus Erie Canal Park with the HODAR’s (Husband of a DAR). The outing began with a picnic lunch followed by a visit to the steam engine exhibit and the museum. Their guide took them on the boat excursion and explained the history of the canal and led them in the famous Erie Canal Song “Low Bridge Everybody Down” written by Thomas Allen in 1905.
The chapter’s regularly scheduled meetings have now concluded for summer; however, you can join in the fun and consider membership in the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution if you have a Patriot in your family tree. NSDAR is a volunteer women’s service organization that honors and preserves the legacy of their Patriot ancestors through historic preservation, promotion of education and patriotic endeavors.
For more information, contact Roberta Kincaid, registrar, at 315-633-2619 or rkincaid1@twcny.rr.com