The Cazenovia Area Community Development Association (CACDA) is currently accepting pre-applications from farmland owners within the Cazenovia School District boundaries who are interested in being considered for an application to New York State for a Farmland Protection Implementation Grant (FPIG).
This program helps farmland owners to protect valuable and at-risk agricultural land from being converted to non-agricultural use through the purchase of development rights. CACDA will facilitate the pre-application and selection process.
A selection committee comprised of local residents with interest and experience with this program will select a farm for consideration by New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets. The selection will be made based upon criteria provided by the FPIG program. The selected farm will be included in the Farmland Protection Implementation Grant proposal which will be prepared and submitted by CACDA later this spring.
If funded, the selected farm will enter into a conservation easement with the Cazenovia Preservation Foundation.
A workshop hosted by Onondaga County Cornell Cooperative Extension on Jan. 23 may be helpful. For more information please see
The pre-application can be found online at or contact CACDA Executive Director Lauren Lines at 315-655-7651 or to request a copy or for questions related to the process. Pre-applications are due no later than 3 p.m. Monday, Feb. 19.