Sheriff Willima Bonney and Rhoda Loomis, matriarch of the infamous Loomis gang, visited the registrants at the Cazenovia Senior Center on John Trush Blvd. located east of Cazenovia on Jan. 12.
Sue Greenhagen, Morrisville Historian and Town of Eaton co-historian, and her sister, Oran resident Darothy DeAngelo, graciously presented an interesting program at the senior center, which is operated under the auspices of Crouse Community Center of Morrisville.
The presentation, which included a slide show, was very informative and was enjoyed by both registrants and staff. The Senior Center is a medical-model day program that offers services to the elderly and disabled adults during the week. Transportation and meals are also provided. The group goes shopping once a week and offers other activities and outings for residents of Madison County who would otherwise be isolated.
For more information about the program, call Kathy Felton, director or Judy Lyrek, social worker at 655-5464.