To the editor:
The recent mailing from “Community Library of DeWitt and Jamesville,” soliciting donations and touting its one year in existence, brought annoyance. This was on the heels of the September school taxes that carry an assessed library tax levied only on the property owners of DeWitt. One would hope that the mailing, also, was sent to Onondaga, Lafayette and Pompey whose residents are invited to use this facility with no fee.
The $8 million cost of this remotely located library could have been better spent to purchase Shoppingtown Mall, a more central location. But, of course, there was no asking public opinion nor referendum for the construction. Now, another $11 million is being spent on building Carrier Park. Will this, too, be another burden on the DeWitt property owners?
Mr. Michalenko, for your reading: “Yertle the Turtle” by Dr. Seuss. Like Yertle, when one climbs to the top on the backs of others, one soon topples.
Gloria B. Ferrara