To the editor:
I read the news article regarding Cazenovia lacrosse coach Jim Longo. After reading it, I’m very confused.
Michael Byrnes, athletic director, states that he has nothing but praise for Longo and that his program has been one of the area’s most successful in recent years and that he is one of the finest human beings he’s ever met, but he’s not being rehired.
Byrnes also states how fortunate the district has been to have a man like Jim coaching since 2006 and that no one cares more about the great game of lacrosse than Coach Longo, but he’s not being rehired.
Byrnes is thankful to have worked with him personally and professionally all these years, but he’s not being rehired.
With all that said, the district is excited for a new beginning.
Was there an end that no one knew about?
I understand confidentiality, but something smells very fishy, that a coach as described above with a 76.8 percent winning record is being let go for no reason that he is aware of. He was not given an explanation. Is that how we treat an exemplary coach, to not rehire him and not to tell him why? I’m confused.
Cindy Clark