Submitted by Jack Osinski
Secretary, Baldwinsville Lions Club
Lions International is celebrating a century of service in 2017. The Baldwinsville Lions Club, a member of Lions International, chartered in October 1948, will be celebrating 69 years of service to the greater Baldwinsville community this year. Here at home, the Lions continue to provide community services through maintenance of the Ritter Community House, located in Community Park, by providing eyeglasses to children of families with financial need and other service requests brought to the organization by the Volunteer Center or individuals. The Baldwinsville Lions Club, like most Lions Clubs, is most widely known for helping the blind and deaf. However, the Baldwinsville Club considers every request for service, ranging from wheelchair ramps and large print readers to eyeglasses and hearing aids, as well as supporting agencies like Christmas Bureau (Volunteer Center), Meals on Wheels, an annual scholarship and Guiding Eyes for the Blind.
Through Lions International, the Baldwinsville Lions also financially support humanitarian aid around the world and in the United States. Following the terrorist attacks on 9/11, the Lions were the first service organization to spring into action within hours at ground zero and other operations associated with recovery efforts. Two local Lions who were also detectives with NYPD responded to the scene and let the incident commander know that they would be available to help survivors, only to be devastated by the stark reality that there weren’t any survivors. Within hours, Lions International provided $100,000 for relief efforts at Ground Zero, including modified storage trailers for the workers to use for taking a break and to get something to eat or drink. Workers on site requested socks and sweatshirts, and the Lions immediately secured the needed items and brought them to the site for distribution. Lions also staffed a nearby warehouse, distributing supplies to the crews working at Ground Zero. At the same time, Lions in Virginia and Maryland sprung into action to assist efforts at the Pentagon. Locally, Lions Clubs in the Central New York area provided both volunteers in New York City and financial assistance to the efforts necessitated by the attacks.
There are endless stories of Lions springing into action throughout the world and right here at home. It is often said, “Where there is a need, there are Lions.” As the Baldwinsville Lions look forward to the future, they are seeking both service initiatives responding to evolving needs in the community as well as additional members to help with community services. To learn more about the Baldwinsville Lions, send an email to Jack Osinski at