BALDWINSVILLE — Residents of the town of Van Buren who want to learn more about the development plans for the former Crego Farm can tune into two Zoom meetings that the town will host at 7 p.m. March 23 and 25. Brolex Properties LLC is looking to build 124 homes and six apartment buildings on the site.
The two Zoom meetings will be information sessions only, not public hearings, Van Buren Town Supervisor Claude Sykes explained at the Feb. 17 town board meeting.
“Most people realize that that tract has been for sale for probably 12 or 15 years and everyone realized that someday there was going to be something going in there, so we want to be up front,” Sykes said.
Sykes, Zoning and Planning Board (ZPB) Chair Tony Geiss and representatives from Brolex are expected to be present at the information sessions to answer questions from the public.
Brolex is seeking a zone change from R-40 to PUD (Planned Use Development) for the project. Currently, Brolex is planning 124 homes and six apartment buildings with 36 units each, but this is subject to change, Sykes said.
Sykes said traffic is expected to be a concern among residents. Town Councilor Darcie Lesniak said the project will be subject to an extensive environmental review because of the site’s proximity to the Seneca River. The ZPB likely will be the lead agency on the project.
Visit for the Zoom meeting details. To submit questions or comments to the ZPB, contact ZPB Secretary January Baker at 315-635-3604 or