By Russ Tarby
Contributing Writer
At an informal open house Nov. 28, at Liverpool Public Library, the state Department of Transportation officials unveiled their plan to add two turning lanes at the intersection of John Glenn Boulevard and Route 370 in the town of Salina.
The project — which is in its preliminary design phase — should “improve traffic flow and alleviate accidents,” according to a DOT handout distributed at the open house.
The biggest piece of the project involves widening Route 370 on the western side of the intersection. The northern edge of 370 would be widened to accommodate a second lane for traffic turning left from John Glenn and heading north on 370.
The southern edge of 370 would also be widened to allow for an additional right-turn lane from 370 onto John Glenn heading south.
A second left-turn lane into 370 West would be added at John Glenn heading north.
The intersection’s traffic signal will be upgraded and approaches to the intersection will be resurfaced. Signs and a guide-rail also will be replaced.
Construction is scheduled to start in the spring of 2020 and to be completed by December 2020.
During construction, traffic will be maintained on site using lane and shoulder closures. One-way alternating traffic will occasionally be utilized during off-peak periods, according to the DOT handout.
For more information, or to submit written comments about the proposal, contact engineer Janet Dziergas, at NYSDOT, Region 3, Sen. Hughes State Office Building, 333 E. Washington St., Syracuse, NY 13202;; or call 315-428-4343. The project code is PIN 3287.21.