By Lauren Young
Staff writer
A 24-hour memory care facility for patients with Alzheimer’s disease is proposed to be built in front of the Northeast Medical Center in Fayetteville, offering up to 66 beds and an enclosed courtyard.
On Wednesday, Nov. 7 the Onondaga County Planning Board reviewed and approved Developer Fayetteville Care Group, LLC’s site plan, a special permit and preliminary subdivision referrals for the 35,080 square-foot, one-story memory care facility on the 3.855-acre parcel on Medical Center Drive. The site is currently in a Restricted Agricultural (RA) zoning district, near some townhouses, a retirement community and a credit union that connects to North Burdick Street.
According to the layout plan from last September, the center will include a network of sidewalks surrounding the building (a portion of which will be enclosed by fencing), parking on the south and east sides of the building (41 spaces total), two driveways and a dumpster enclosure.
Proposed lighting includes pole mounted light fixtures around the site and soffit lights with some accent lighting at the entrance.
The center will hire as many as 45 employees, with the maximum amount of employees working a shift being 22, according to its application.
Because 3.6 acres of the site will be disturbed by the proposed project, according to the Environmental Assessment Form (EAF), the board advised the applicant to get the appropriate permits from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation to prevent interference with stormwater runoff and quality.
The OCPB determined that the project referral will have no significant community impacts and asked the applicant to provide a copy of its ITE Trip Generation traffic figures and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for review. The board also encouraged the applicant to provide additional sidewalks and crosswalk connections before approving the site plan and its referrals unanimously.