Next week, voters will elect one trustee. Learn more about said candidate below. Polls are open from noon to 9 p.m. Tuesday, June 19, and all voting will take place at North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Road, North Syracuse.
Lou Ann St. Germain (challenger)
Biographical info:

My husband, Jeff, and I planted our roots here in North Syracuse 28 years ago, right after we were married. We moved into the first house built in our cul-de-sac at 410 Pleasant Ave. and have remained there to watch our circle grow into a flourishing family of friends we would trade for no others! We have one son, Jeffrey, who is almost 25 years old, and our 3-year-old Rottweiler, “Tank,” whom we rescued from a kill shelter in Alabama. I am employed full-time by the Village of Baldwinsville Police Department and have been the communications officer there for over seven years. Before that, I held the same position (in a part-time capacity) for our own village police department.
Why are you running for office?
I feel it is my time to serve the village and its residents I genuinely care about. I want to focus on maintaining and improving our village’s high-quality police department, fire department, department of public works and village parks while welcoming new businesses to join with our existing ones to increase our tax base. I will look for sources to fund repairing and repaving our village streets to help keep our village beautified as we open our arms to welcome new families to our neighborhoods and continue to honor and value our seniors who represent the strength of our village’s past, “yesterday’s road to the future!” I am a true animal-advocate and want to be a channel of communications to speak “with those who can and for those who can’t!” I would consider it a privilege to serve the residents of this extraordinary community I am so proud to call home!
Why are you the best candidate?
I surely come with new views and outlooks. As a mother, a wife and a longtime village resident I value the priorities we must continue to strive to live by. I love our small village atmosphere and want to be right in the middle of what’s going on. I will always do my part to make sure our values are protected and promoted by ensuring faith and family are considered in every decision. I want to do my best to lessen worries as complaints and problems are heard and am committed to research the practical issues, ask the difficult questions, listen to the constructive dialog, lead with humility and think with my heart! My drive for success I deeply value and pride myself in, so I will be a part of what’s best for all instead of just a few.
What are the major issues facing the village, and what will you do to address them?
I believe economic growth and development is an important issue and I look forward to help finding the solutions to overcome this challenging hurdle. Welcoming small businesses and new entrepreneurs would be a good use of our tax dollars and would allow us to keep growing together as a strong, steadfast community. I am confident the village of North Syracuse will continue to strive forward and rise above and remain the example of a safe and happy community where children play without fear and parents and grandparents enjoy the quality of life they have earned!