By Ashley M. Casey
Staff Writer
In response to safety concerns from a handful of residents, the town of Lysander is considering building sidewalks along Route 48 between Mott Road and Country Lane, a length of about half a mile. The town has received a state grant toward the proposed sidewalk.
The town sent surveys to residents whose homes would be in the sidewalk district to invite them to an informational meeting Jan. 23 and to gauge interest in the idea.
Town Engineer Al Yager said the town had received 86 responses, 60 in favor of the creation of the sidewalk district and 26 against it. There are 141 properties in the proposed district.
“If we have a majority of people in favor of district formation, the town board would order my office to prepare a map plan and report, which includes district boundary, estimated annual costs for debt service and maintenance, and any other pertinent information with regards to the grant,” Yager said.
From there, the town would hold a public hearing and would vote on the creation of the sidewalk district.
The village of Baldwinsville will maintain the sidewalks for about $4,000 a year.
Here’s a breakdown of the project costs:
• Total cost: $200,400
• State grant: $170,340
• Town’s contribution via 15-year bond: $30,060
Yager estimated the annual cost to taxpayers as follows:
• Debt service: $18.92
• Maintenance: $28.37
At the earliest, construction would begin in late 2018, but Yager said it would likely start in spring 2019.