Wheeler, Mann, Koennecke reelected
The Cazenovia village election was held this week with little fanfare and low voter turnout. Three incumbent candidates vied for three offices, with all races uncontested.
Mayor Kurt Wheeler and Trustees Amy Mann and Fritz Koennecke all were reelected to their seats on the village board on Tuesday, June 20.
In the mayor’s race, out of a total 103 votes cast, Wheeler received 88 votes (40 on the Republican Party line and 48 on the Community Party line). There were also 12 ballots left blank and three write-in votes.

This will be Wheeler’s fourth two-year term serving as village mayor, after first being elected to the position in 2011.
In the trustee race, Mann received 92 votes (51 on the Democrat Party line and 41 on the Community Party line), while Koennecke received 87 votes (39 on the Republican Party line and 48 on the Community Party line). There were also 25 ballots left blank and two write-in votes.
Mann will be serving her fifth two-year term as a village trustee, after first being elected in 2009. She currently serves as deputy mayor, tree commissioner and public works commissioner. In addition, she chairs the Carpenter’s Barn Restoration Committee.

Koennecke has been elected to his third two-year term on the board, after being first elected in 2013. He currently serves as the police commissioner and as the chair of the Lake Watershed Council.

All three will be sworn-in to office at the July 5 regular monthly meeting of the village board.
The terms for both the mayor and both trustees expire in 2019.