By Lauren Young
Staff Writer
The Town of Manlius was once again honored with the Arbor Day Foundation’s “Tree City USA” title for the 14th consecutive year during its Arbor Day Celebration last week.
The April 21 event was held behind the Manlius Town Hall on 301 Brooklea Drive in Fayetteville, with an Arbor Day proclamation presented by Supervisor Ed Theobald.
“Trees benefit our municipalities by cleaning the air, holding rainfall, moderating temperatures, lowering heating and cooling costs, providing habitats for animals and reducing soil erosion,” said Theobold. “I urge all citizens to plant and care for trees, to gladden hearts and promote the well-being of future generations.”

DEC Forester Matt Swayze presented Manlius with the “Tree City USA” award and flag to “acknowledge the town and the commitment they’ve shown in the past 14 years to maintain their ‘Tree City USA’ status.”
Bartlett Tree Experts provided tree and shrub pruning demonstrations, and attendees participated in planting new trees around town hall.
“Our slogan is to have the right tree in the right place,” said Tom Mullarney of Barlett Tree Experts as he helped plant a Redpointe Red Maple behind the town hall. Among the reasons for this particular tree’s placement, from how big it will grow to how it will fare against snow embankments, the “best reason,” he said, is that it is strategically placed to be visible from the Manlius Town Board room’s back window.
This tree, a, will have a “very red, fall color,” he said, and is expected to grow up to 45 feet tall and 20 to 30 feet wide.
Another tree, planted to the right side of the town hall, is positioned so it will also be visible from inside the building. Both trees used compost from OCRRA, which is made in Central New York.
Free White Pine tree seedlings, donated from Barlett Tree Experts, were also available for patrons to take home and plant.