Skan-E-Antics revival
By Heather Carroll and Tom Seeley
Say “Skan-E-Antics” to anyone who lived in this community between 1965 and 1987 and the mere mention is sure to bring a smile.
This hilarious live variety show appeared biennially during those years to raise money for the Austin Park Development Fund. Now, the Skaneateles Education Foundation [SEF] is bringing it back.
Heather Carroll, executive director of the Foundation, along with the SEF committee, says the time is right to revive our past. “The fundraising committee had been brainstorming about a new spring event. When I read in a Years Ago in Skaneateles article, by Mrs. Hardy’s 10th-grade honors English class, ‘Fifty years ago today… the Skan-E-Antics show took place’—I thought, That’s it!” Like the original did in its day, Carroll hopes this project will build community across generations and serve to knit resident newcomers into the fabric of Skaneateles natives.
The show will be directed by Bradley Benjamin Stone, Class of ‘01 alumna of Skaneateles High School and professional musical theater performer/choreographer on Broadway and national tours. Stone is currently working toward her M.S. in Arts Administration at Le Moyne College, and her direction of Skan-E-Antics will serve as her final community-based practicum necessary to complete her degree. The timing for all parties has been kismet.
A variety-style production, the Skan-E-Antics revival will include singing, dancing, humorous skits and wonderful costumes. The show takes a great deal of planning, and Carroll is asking members of the community to please volunteer for the committee. Anyone who harbors a desire to try acting, dancing or singing, now is your chance. Town residents and friends involved with Skan-E-Antics both in front and behind the curtain will contribute to supporting quality education in our community while having enormous fun. Sponsors can support fundraising efforts by advertising in the program.
An open casting call will be held on January 8, 2018 at Waterman Elementary School, 6:00-9:00 p.m. in the auditorium. For those interested in auditioning, please come prepared to show a brief example of your talent. We are looking for singers, dancers, comedians, musicians and hosts!
Proceeds of the revival show and after-party will serve the Foundation’s mission of driving resources into our classrooms, providing exceptional opportunities for all our students in ways that inspire creativity, stimulate engaged learning and create a climate of possibility. SEF areas of impact include STEM, the arts, humanities and wellness. In the competitive world in which we live, the youth of our community need all the educational enrichment opportunities we can provide before they go on to higher education and the workplace.
The land for Austin Park was bequeathed to the village of Skaneateles by Clarence Austin upon his death in 1922. His will contained a caveat that the land be kept and maintained as a public park in perpetuity. Through the tireless efforts of organizations and individuals who donated their time and resources to the Austin Park Development Committee and the Skan-E-Antics fundraisers of the past, residents have enjoyed ever-increasing amenities in the park.
To volunteer, contact Heather Carroll at Follow SEF at for more detailed notices. For more information about SEF, please visit