Five vie for three spots on J-D BOE

With the Jamesville-DeWitt School Board election slated for 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. May 15 at the high school, the Eagle Bulletin has reached out to each candidate with a list of questions to help voters get to know them.

This year, three incumbents – Jack McLoughlin, Mark Schulman and Jill Walsh – are being challenged by two newcomers in Joseph Popcun and Charles Frank.

Mark Schulman

Why are you running for re-election?

I am running for a second term on the JD Board of Education because I care deeply about the JD school district.  My wife, Diane, and I are both JD graduates.  We have two sons at J-D Middle School.  Hal is in seventh grade and Max is in fifth grade.  I want to make sure all of the students in our district are provided the same high quality education my wife and I received.

If re-elected, what are some of the things you’d like to see accomplished during your term?

I advocated this year for reinstating the third elementary librarian position in next year’s budget and will continue to do so in hopes of reinstating it in the future.  I believe all three of our elementary school libraries should always be open and staffed with a full-time librarian.  This year is the first time in J-D history that we have not had a full-time librarian in each elementary building.  I think the current and future elementary students deserve a full-time librarian as my kids had and as my wife and I had at J-D.

I also want to make sure we continue to begin foreign language in sixth grade.  Last year, I supported reinstatement of the sixth grade foreign language program.  My seventh grader loves Spanish and benefited greatly from starting it in sixth grade.  I am glad my fifth grader will have the same opportunity next year.  J-D’s foreign language program beginning in sixth grade is one of the things that sets us apart from other school districts and needs to be maintained.

What would you say are your best qualities that you bring to the J-D Board of Education?

I have been an attorney at the Koldin Law Center, P.C. for 18 years where I practice in the areas of elder law, estate planning and Medicaid law.  As an attorney, I bring to the school board many years of experience in reviewing and analyzing complex legal documents.  The school board reviews many employments contracts, district policies and other legal documents.  My background as an attorney is very valuable to the board.

My wife, Diane, has been a reading teacher in the Syracuse City School District for 18 years.  I also bring to the board the perspective of a teacher.

I am the immediate past-president of Temple Adath Yeshurun and have served on the board of directors of the temple for the past 13 years.

As a former JD student, I bring a unique perspective to the school board.  I have 21 years of experience with the school district, 13 years as a student and eight years as a parent.

School budgets for the next few years appear to be as challenging to put together as they have been for the past few years.  We need people with experience in dealing with these complex budget issues on the school board during these difficult times.  There is a balancing act between preserving our educational and extra-curricular programs and being fiscally responsible with our limited tax dollars.  I feel that I have done a good job in balancing these competing interests.

I was a strong supporter of reinstating the modified sports to the budget this year.  I am very pleased that we were able to do so.  I appreciate the efforts of Save JD Sports in fundraising for this spring’s modified sports.

Is there anything else you’d like to say about the election, your platform or anything regarding the board?

It is important to have school board members who currently have children in the district.  We are more in touch with what is happening in our school buildings and the issues that our students are facing on a daily basis.

I think I have represented the District’s residents well during my first term on the Jamesville-DeWitt Board of Education.  I hope to have the opportunity to continue to do so.  Thank you for your vote on Tuesday, May 15th.

Jack McLoughlin

Why are you running for re-election?

 I am running for re-election to the J-D School Board for a number of reasons. During the two terms that I have served on the board, I have had the opportunity to gain valuable experience on a wide variety of topics that typically come before a school board. One of the main areas of concern for all school districts, at present, is the financial crisis that has affected not only our economy as a whole, but also the economics of funding education. Serving on the finance committee of the school board for the past six years, both as a member, and as chair, has helped me gain familiarity with the J-D budget and the problems associated with decreasing state aid and disappearing federal aid. I feel that the experience that I have had the opportunity to gain in this area can help the district as we try to navigate the challenging financial road ahead.

Another reason for my seeking re-election to the school board for a third term is my desire to continue to give back to the school district that gave me the opportunity to grow as a teacher and as an individual. Jamesville-DeWitt is an excellent place to teach and an excellent place to learn. I would like the opportunity to help the district continue on this path of excellence.

If re-elected, what are some of the things you’d like to see accomplished during your term?

 If re-elected to the J-D School Board, there are a number of things that I would like to see accomplished during my term. Among them are the following:

1) A continuing effort to close the achievement gap in all subgroups at all J-D schools.

2) Making sure adequate support is provided for both students and staff as our district transitions to the new Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics, and for our staff as they transition to the new Annual Professional Performance Review.

3) Accessing necessary funding for the software, hardware, and technological infrastructure that is essential to moving the district forward in the 21st century.

4) Looking to find alternate sources of revenue, outside the operational budget, to fund some of the above.

5) Making sure that all of our students have the opportunity to grow intellectually, athletically, artistically and ethically as individuals, and as members of the J-D community, and providing them with the necessary tools to not only survive in, but to affect positive change in the larger communities in which they choose to live.

6) Continuing the good working relationship that presently exists between our board and the community by fostering open dialogue between all stakeholders in the J-D community, and by pursuing all avenues of communication between these groups, as they become available in our rapidly-changing modern world.

 These are just a few of the things that I would like to see accomplished. Hopefully, there will be many more!

What would you say are your best qualities that you will bring to the J-D Board of Education?

 As a retired teacher who has been associated with the Jamesville-DeWitt School District for most of my life, I feel that I offer a unique perspective to the Jamesville-DeWitt School Board.  I have seen the district both as a math teacher at J-D High School for 31 years and as stepparent of three proud J-D graduates, and I am well aware of the challenges that face public education in the 21st century.

 I enjoy the dynamics of board discussion between board members, as well as with the community, and feel that knowledgeable and respectful discussion of diverse opinions is not only beneficial, but is essential in any public entity’s attempt to arrive at responsible decisions for the community.

 And, as stated above, I feel that I have gained valuable experience in the two terms that I have served on the board and I hope to bring this experience back to the board table, if elected to a third term.

Is there anything else you’d like to say about the election, your platform or anything regarding the board?

Yes. I would hope that all eligible voters will come out to vote on May 15 on our budget and for the candidates that they feel are best suited to serve the Jamesville-Dewitt School Board for the next three years. To me, this is democracy at the grassroots level, and is of utmost importance to our school district and to the students that we serve.

 I would also like to thank the members of the J-D community who have supported our efforts on the board, and who have helped us in our attempts to arrive at just and equitable decisions concerning funding and policy. The efforts of our booster clubs, the Save J-D Sports Program, and our parent volunteers, to mention just a few, has helped us immeasurably in trying to direct the district in these difficult times. Thank you for being involved in this challenging, but worthwhile cause!

Jill Walsh

Why are you running for re-election?

I believe volunteering in your community is important for anyone able to do so. Since arriving in the area in 2000, I have tried to be an active part of the community, beginning with school- related activities as my children moved along through Jamesville Elementary School. It was through my years with the Parent-Teacher Group there, that my interest in volunteering my time with the school board developed. I have now served on the board for six years, and I want to help push the Jamesville-DeWitt School District through the difficult financial landscape that school districts across the country have been negotiating since 2008.

If elected, what are some of the things you’d like to see accomplished during your term?

Focusing on the budget and attempting to balance it with the ever-growing needs of the Jamesville-DeWitt School District is my priority. We, as a district, pride ourselves on our academic reputation, but the extra-curricular activities, including our strong sports, music, languages, and arts programs supplement, and are a key part of, our student’s overall educational experience. We need to continue to work hard to not lose additional faculty and staff positions, and, hopefully, reinstate lost ones, while still remaining fiscally sound. For that to happen, we need experienced board members familiar with the budget process and the historical state budget crisis.

What would you say are your best qualities that you will bring to the J-D Board of Education?

Six years of board experience, a master’s degree in management information systems, and an undergraduate in accounting, as well as 12 years as a Jamesville-DeWitt parent is a unique combination that I bring to the board. As a six-year member of the budget committee, I have unique knowledge and experience that will allow me to get to work on day No. 1 of the new term, without having the normal acclimation period that comes with a new board member.

Just learning names and protocols takes time, let alone getting familiar with all of the issues facing the district. As a veteran board member, I already am very familiar with concerns facing residents in the district.

Is there anything else you’d like to say about the election, your platform or anything regarding the board?

In my two three-year terms as a board member, I experienced two extremes. My first term was during a comfortable budget period, when surpluses were not unheard of in some years. My last three years have virtually all been under the extreme financial stress facing all school districts and families across the country, often resulting in painful cuts. The board and Superintendent Kendrick have been working diligently to first minimize the losses, and now to begin regaining financial footing. The last three years have been hard on everyone affiliated with the school district, but staying within our financial plan will produce positive results as we move forward. I hope to be a part of the effort to stabilize and then advance our budget issues so that we may return to a period of financial security for the district, its employees, and our students.

Charles Frank

Why are you running for election?

I have always been part of building up organizations to help insure that best goals can be chosen and achieved at that no one is left behind.  I felt having been involved not only as a prior student but also having my children attend Jamesville-Dewitt Schools along with my work experience I could bring a little different type of perspective and energy to the board.

If elected, what are some of the things you’d like to see accomplished during your term?

I would like to see that all students in the Jamesville-Dewitt School District have the same opportunities.  This includes having a Professional Library Media Specialist in all three elementary schools. First, start with the reinstatement of the LMS position at Jamesville Elementary.  Secondly, examine non-traditional ways to fund areas where the state has cut monies and will never reinstate those funds for programs that Jamesville -Dewitt has come to adopt as essential to the quality of the education the district exemplifies. Third, examine and find ways that keep athletics, academics, cultural, and other areas of learning available to all students and families in the district and that these programs remain and grow.

What would you say are your best qualities that you will bring to the J-D Board of Education?

Integrity, Listening, Evaluating, Fairness, Following the examples and rules of good government and supporting the administration and act as sounding board to provide the best decision(s) that benefits the education of the children and families of the district.  I would keep a good watch on the budget and its development and the use of monies using my managerial background and experience

Is there anything else you’d like to say about the election, your platform or anything regarding the board?

The Jamesville-Dewitt School District in my estimation is one of the best run, not only regionally but most probably in the state.  The current board, administration, staff, and families always act in a professional and fair manner.  They listen, evaluate, and act on issues to create an enriched and high quality educational environment. Like all citizens and taxpayers there is always the concern is enough being done, did everyone’s voice get heard, were all avenues to solve an issue explored, was the best outcome found and was the correct action taken.  In the past three years the state and federal government have asked for more to be done but have given less to fund their mandates.  The district has had to compromise on its goals and cut various positions, programs, and replacement schedules of outdated and worn equipment.  The district has done its best to make do but we need some new ways, means and methods to move into the future, I hope to help be a driving force and work towards getting the best for the district families and the taxpayers and see that we move upwards and not sacrifice anymore and use our funding dollars to get the most out them.

Joseph Popcun

Why are you running for election?

I am running for the Jamesville-Dewitt Board of Education in order to secure the same promise of education that was afforded to me during my time at the J-D Middle School and High School. Expanding our human resources within the public school system, and community-at-large, will help our students achieve unparalleled success. It would be a privilege to give back to those educators, administrators, and parents who helped me find meaning in my professional and personal life.

If elected, what are some of the things you’d like to see accomplished during your term?

In my term as a board member, my primary goal would be to complement the already-successful efforts of the board and expand upon the tremendous resources of our district. To achieve goals toward that end, I would continue to advocate for the creative endeavors of our students, as well as, the technical and university-level courses that have been implemented. Through hosting informal sit-downs with educators and students, board members would identify creative solutions for limited resources and reward the effort of our teachers. Lastly, drawing upon our community provides high school age students with mentorship and networking opportunities that would benefit all. One of the best tools we can give our youth is the chance to speak with parents and alumni who have achieved success within the student’s desired field. This experience is particularly important for those students who will go on to establish small businesses that will provide economic security for our region.

What would you say are your best qualities that you will bring to the J-D Board of Education?

The greatest asset that I would bring to the board of education is my understanding of how the school system prepares our students for college and, beyond that, for their professional careers. Having graduated six years ago from the high school and two years ago from Syracuse University, I still recall the many lessons learned through my class work, as well as, the virtues that were instilled during extracurricular activities. My intent is to complement the top-down administration of the school district with my grassroots, bottom-up experience with my siblings, who are in seventh and ninth grade, and the parents that share the same concerns that I do. Namely, the concern that our education can’t fall behind during this tough economic climate.

Is there anything else you’d like to say about the election, your platform or anything regarding the board?

I would like to express my gratitude to those educators, parents, and students that have provided me with the guidance and support to begin achieving my dreams. My education has enabled me to work with members of the U.S. Congress, the Department of Homeland Security, prominent research think-tanks, federal advocacy organizations, serve as an elected member of a student body, and provide health and wellness awareness in my community. Our education system remains one of the best and brightest in the area. To maintain that achievement, we must all work together to ensure that our educators have the right tools, our students have the right skills, and our school system works toward the benefit of all. I look forward to bringing support to the students and educators of Jamesville-Dewitt by serving on the board of education. Thank you for your vote of support this Tuesday, May 15.

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