In a recent act of vandalism, about 30 road signs were stolen around the town of Cazenovia, with more taken in Fenner and Nelson.
“We had an act of vandalism two weeks ago,” said Tim Hunt, town of Cazenovia Highway Superintendent, at a town board meeting Aug. 10. “There were 29 road signs stolen over the weekend. Almost every road sign in the town of Cazenovia was stolen.”
The town had to replace all of the signs as well as brackets, Hunt said.
“That one night of activity was probably a $3 or $4,000 cost to the town,” he said.
Hunt had one particular concern beyond the financial impact.
“Quite honestly, the troubling part is we try to keep spares for every street, but now that we’ve used up all of our spares, when they do get knocked down or stolen and somebody calls for an ambulance, if the [driver] is not familiar with the road, they don’t know,” he said.
Hunt said the signs may have been stolen to sell as scrap metal.