Our Team

Main office phone: (315) 434-8889

Main office address: 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13206


David Tyler, Publisher, ext. 302, dtyler@eaglenewsonline.com


Business office

Luba Demkiv, Bookkeeper/Legal Advertising, ext. 303, ldemkiv@eaglenewsonline.com

Alyssa Dearborn, Bookkeeper/Reception, ext. 305, adearborn@eaglenewsonline.com

Maureen Lindsay, Accounting Manager, ext. 204, maureen@suncommunitynews.com



Lori Newcomb, Circulation Manager, ext. 342, subscriptions@eaglenewsonline.com


Art department

Gordon Bigelow, Graphic Designer, ext. 314, art@eaglenewsonline.com

Lori Newcomb, Production Coordinator, ext. 333, lnewcomb@eaglenewsonline.com


Sales department

Paul Nagle, Sales Manager/Baldwinsville Messenger, ext. 308, pnagle@eaglenewsonline.com

Patti Puzzo, Classifieds and the PennySaver, ext. 321, ppuzzo@eaglenewsonline.com

Lori Lewis, Business Development Specialist, ext. 316, llewis@eaglenewsonline.com

Renee Moonan, Syracuse Woman Magazine & National accounts, ext. 320, rmoonan@eaglenewsonline.com

Linda Jabbour, Syracuse Woman Magazine & Syracuse Parent, ext. 304, ljabbour@eaglenewsonline.com


Editorial department

Jennifer Wing, Managing Editor, ext. 340, jwing@eaglenewsonline.com

Phil Blackwell, Sports Editor, ext. 348, pblackwell@eaglenewsonline.com

Jason Gabak, News Editor, ext. 319, jgabak@eaglenewsonline.com

Kate Hill, Staff Writer, khill@eaglenewsonline.com

Jason Klaiber, Staff Writer, jklaiber@eaglenewsonline.com

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